Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas, Batman

Everybody could use family during Christmas time. Even Batman.

This picture is pretty old, most likely Photoshopped and kind of silly. But, come on! If this won't put a smile on your face, you certainly aren't in the Christmas/bitch-slapping mood.

rjsprague says
Sidekicks can be so insensitive.
mavranos says
Robin is such a douche.
smmakira says
I would slap Robin anyway just because.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Bush's shoe dodge goes viral

Props to President Bush. At a time when his approval rating seemingly couldn't go any lower, when a passerby is literally throwing clothing items at him — and not the cool, rockstar panties type of thing, either — he still seems like a pretty nice guy. I mean, he dodges not one but two shoes during a press conference, with a goofy, lovable smile on his face.

The day of the shoe fiasco, the videos completed dominated the YouTube charts. Well, almost completely.

RiouG says
99% Bush and Boobs. Yep, sounds about right.
petebot says
I like how after he ducks, Bush looks like he's having fun.
angelgabe says
Bush might just be the worst president in recent memory but I want that fool on my dodgeball team!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Is that Willy Wonka?

Seriously, who is that, and why is he on my plane?

binky79 says
Whoever he is. He would be the primary suspect in whatever caused the evacuation.
koldmilk says
Encase of emergency you can use your oopaloopa as a flotation device...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Most hardcore Pokemon fan

OK, let me preface by saying that the piece of junk website that is LiveJournal threw up a "must register" block. And since there's no passwords on BugMeNot, I say, screw you! So, if you are the one of three people on the Internet (who aren't in high school on the Internet) with a LiveJournal account, enjoy the weirdness that is "Pokemon girl."

The gist of it: This girl really, really likes Pikachu, and may be the primary source of income for Nintendo. If you can't tell from the thumbnail, she has a lot of Pika-merch.

Malik112099 says
One good dick and she'll burn all that shit.
sjbdallas says
You know what? I think I would.
ileftfark says
Flabby thighs... I choose YOU!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This is a picture of a dog in a mailbox

See, I'm not a liar.

CsHitman says
That's the best picture of a dog in a mailbox I've seen today!
sgtbutterscotch replies
O Rly?
EwMo says
I like the part where the dog is inside of the mailbox.
FireStalker3150 says
This is a video of Rick Astley singing "Never Gunna Give You Up
mikedidonato replies
Ugh. I fell for it again.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can Digg get this guy laid?

How would a geek down on his luck with women turn a platonic friendship with a pretty girl into a one-time bang off? Create a website, called Help a Virgin, and get her to agree to have sex with you if the page gets 5 million hits. Oh, and don't forget to submit it to Digg and all those websites with loads of sympathetic dudes.

So, there's an idea. Will he succeed? Probably not. Poor geek.

Darren07 asks
Can Digg get him laid? As in, pay for a hooker?
Bukowsky says
Nobody on digg gets laid... that's why we all just yell at each other in comment threads.
crashbang suggests
Heres a crazy idea;
go out to a bar and talk to a couple of girls before you do something this retarded. I mean, honestly....

Monday, December 8, 2008


Hey there, wiener dog.

AltTab says

Oh, Korean food...

monesy says

Just top that off with some delicious bacon please.

state_of_alert says


Sutibu replies

...that was disturbing on multiple levels.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Teen changes name to something stupid

An English teen has officially changed his name to Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined. The geek, formally known as George Garratt, pissed off his grandma with the name change, which cost him $20, that she is no longer speaking with him.

So, what do Diggers think about the name change?

blitzkriegpunk says
Still not gonna get him laid.
TomT223 says
No big deal. I went to school with a lot of kids with that same exact name

naturalpapa says
How about just Dork?

How can I get my labrador dog to stop urinating and defacating on me while I'm sleeping?

Yahoo Answers strikes again.

As hilarious as the question "How can I get my labrador dog to stop urinating and defacating on me while I'm sleeping?" and the accompanying description are, the comments are even better. How does Yahoo manage to pack so much stupidity into one website?

Kensington V asks
How can I get my labrador dog to stop urinating and defacating on me while I'm sleeping?

She's 7 years old and in the last few months she has taken to jumping on the bed when I am sleeping and either doing a poo or weeing on me. I don't find out until I wake up in the morning. Why is she doing this and how can I stop her? PS I can't put her outside, I live in a small apartment and it is too cold for her elsewhere.
Cole D replies
runbmd replies
You may want to take off your fire hydrant costume before you go to bed.
Boy Howdy! replies
She obviously thinks that your bed is her territory and is trying to mark it. You need to assert that it is your territory so you need to urinate or defaecate on your own bed to show that it is yours.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Sarah Palin does TV interview while turkeys are slaughtered

Happy Thanksgiving! I'll leave you with this Sarah Palin turkey slaughter video of which I'm sure you've already seen.

UberNick says
She and the turkey should trade places
jnorby says
The 'gotcha media' got her again!!
Dirtcock says
What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina?

Only some of the things that come out of her vagina are retarded.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I have a Dreamcast


Oh, and the Dreamcast was fucking sweet! Anyone remember Phantasy Star Online? PowerStone? Virtua Tennis? Jet Grind Radio?

No? Well, you suck then.

MrFayce says

I thought that was hitler
thelastcivilian says
I guess the time has come that we can make fun of civil rights leaders.
BooostedAWD says
This would be funny if my Dreamcast didn't get stolen last week.
PlutoniumPlague replies
Now you know who has it....

Ann Coulter has mouth wired shut

Thanks to a fortuitous jaw injury, national sweetheart and vehement racist Ann Coulter had her mouth forcibly wired shut, according to reports. This is especially infuriating if you're Ann Coulter because a few weeks ago, she learned that the next president would be a black man, and now she has to deal with no being able to tell people how furious she is about that.

It's a tragedy, really.

ibmetom says

So the glory hole in the fifth floor men's can at FOX HQ is temporarily out of service.

Playincard says

I'd still fuck her in the mouth.

kublakhan replies

frankly, I'd much prefer to beat her with a rusty tire iron

pandawho1212 says

When reached for comment, Coulter scribbled this on a notepad angrily: "you're all GAY!!!"

krugerlive says

From the comments

While they were wiring her jaw shut they should have also removed her adam's apple and her penis

Friday, November 21, 2008

Here's my password, Gmail team

Hm, looks legit to me.

sub1 says
Dont be a pussy it looks legit.
bazacko says
I didn't get one of these, but I sent my info just to be safe.
Oxygen recommends
You better include your Social Security Number too, just to be safe.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Enjoy the benefits of a cordless massager

Hey, fellas! You know, the holidays are coming up, and if you're looking for an innocent gift for the sis or mother, every girl loves a cordless massage gadget! They'll love it because it relieves all that muscle stress and tension, and a thoughtful gift like this one is sure to relieve any of that social tension you might have.

drbonemonkey asks
Do they come in any other flavors and scents besides fish?
0ceanic says
its funny because it could also be used to massage the inside of her vagina.
black296tuuk says
You're doing it wrong.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hacking your brain for a better life

The website Brainz was off to a bad start to begin with. Any use of a "z" in place of an "s" is a bright, neon sign, alerting onlookers to how stupid you are. That was strike one.

Strike two is the use of the word "hack" in reference to a vital human organ. It's been a downhill battle for years, but you only hack computers, not body parts. Hacking a body part means to cut it off. For those keeping score, that was strike two.

I couldn't really find reason enough to strike out Brainz's "15 ways to hack your brain" because it has some pretty nice pictures and a few decent ideas. But I mostly look at things for the pictures. So, No. 1 and 15 certainly do the job.

VodkanLemons says
Warning: if you hack your brain, you will die
aherman says
I refuse to read articles that tell me how to 'hack' non-hackable stuff.
batmanz says
When I saw the first two pictures I got all excited because of the chicks in bikinis. Then I was disappointed when the streak ended at number 3. Then I got all excited again when number 4 was bacon.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

'Weight Loss Tea' fail

This ad should neither require explanation nor exist.

Jeoffray says

Abortion tea FTW.

Vagabond says

Hey, I know someone on that diet >> she’s due this month… good diet

Vagabond replies

‘Only way to lose weight is through your vagina!’

grond replies

Or through other types of sport…

Ryannon replies

Vagina is considered sport?

Monday, November 17, 2008

What's Joe the Plumber saying to John McCain's daughter?

Look, I promise this is the last election-related post I'll do. I know the election is weeks over, but this one's for one last look (or for many, the first) at John McCain's super hot daughter.

hjmt says
"There's a POW in my pants."
mattgilberg says
"The only thing that's longer and harder than this election is my erection"
bigtimslim asks
Why haven't I seen paparazzi photos of her on a beach yet?
abarysh2 replies
Because unfortunately she didn't inherit Cindy's figure..
doublefelix replies
I'd hit it, then vote against it.
sandersdamnit says
"I want to stick my penis inside your vagina."
Rainemaker replies
"If you know what I mean".

Friday, November 14, 2008

The Incredible Jesuc Car

Some people love Jesus. And some people really love Jesus (and the Republican party). To be fair, though, I would probably drive this car.

zadadka says
Dunno about the 'States, but in the UK, because those stickers impede rear view, they would constitute a traffic offence / violation.
chr0nic21 replies
The owner of this car violates the intelligence of humanity.
DrDigg asks
Why do these nuts always live in my state.
Genrre replies
Because we are 49th in public education :(
mrKuenzel points out
The All-American.... Toyota.
LowFuel asks
What would Jesuc drive?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

2008 electoral map if only young people voted

The map, a result of polling young people from around the country, shows how the election would have looked if those old farts weren't allowed to vote or leave the house. Of course, this shows absolutely no correlation to the outcome of future elections. You know, time and money have a way of changing people's political views.

I'd like to see this map for the 1960 election. Lee Harvey Oswald may very well have been the only young person on the entire map to vote red.

enki25 says
This is great. My understanding is that all the old people are in the process of dying.
droford asks
Now wheres the one where it shows only the votes of old people?
quasipolymath replies
They all voted for Matlock. It was a landslide.
rahamm says
Only the suckiest states in the Union are red.

YOU HEAR ME IDAHO take your shitty potatos and go home!
riverrunner replies
Crap I kinda like Idaho.
se1zure says
If Just black people voted

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Color red proven to make men horny

I love science research with little to no realistic application to science. Researchers at the University of Rochester found that men are more likely to go for a woman wearing red. So, that lady in the red dress is clearly hotter than the bombshell in blue. Right.

tads73 says

fine print: "Does not work for nutcases from Alaska with the initials SP.

feralape replies

or works twice as good wink wink

foambullet says

You know what else makes men horny? Everything.

feralape asks

.... oh really? Your Grandmother makes you horny? What about your Mother or Sister? well, ok, Mothers are gross and we should probably exclude sisters from this- but you know what I'm saying.

foambullet replies

Great, now I have a boner at work...

feralape suggests

Try covering it up with a book.

Monday, November 10, 2008

CNN hologram technology

For those who were watching CNN during the Election Day coverage (and why would you when there's Fox News in the world, amirite?), I'm sure you were no doubt aware that CNN has hologram technology — mainly because Wolf Blitzner nearly shat himself over it.

CNN had Jessica Yellin "projected" into the studio live from thousands of miles away in a full 3D hologram for their coverage, which really means they took a video of her in front of a greenscreen and superimposed it onto the video later.

The absurdity of CNN getting so stoked over this (and the media following) coupled with the fact that they paid, like, $300,000 to get this done is my favorite part. Oh, and the comments.

animerat says
Help me Wolf Blitzer you are my only hope
dynamitekidtx asks
smittysize says
Think of the porn implications!
pattyman5000 says
"Thank you Jessica. You were a terrific hologram."

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama: C-C-C-Combo Breaker

Barack Obama is president. And, man, that's a lot of white dudes.

SolidEuphoria says
Only in American can a history of old white looking women turn into a young black man.
tallguyg replies
that already happened in reverse with Michael Jackson.
astrobela says
It's funny because it's change.
sockpuppets says
I'm colorblind. Which one is he?
Shissy replies
The black one.
ocsurferreport says

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

No funny today. Go vote!

Monday, November 3, 2008

October surprise? Bush attacks Syria

The most exciting thing about the election season is what each party pulls out at the end of October as a last minute attempt to sway votes. Sadly, this year there was nothing noteworthy. Well, the Republican administration did attack the Syrian border, but nothing, you know, like DUIs.

platypusREX says
This is some fucked up shit.
rawnzilla says
The Bush/McCain Iraq Exit Strategy: Go through Syria.
rileyhallwood says
uh oh

Friday, October 31, 2008

Smart kids are more likely to become drunks

Are you drunk right now? If you're reading this when I first posted it (around 9 in the morning), you're an alcoholic and should seek help. If you're drunk at a reasonable hour, then you might be a genius! A study at the University of Glasgow shows a correlation between high IQs and having a drinking problems.

If you want to seem smart, hit the bottle, brother. Plus, it's Halloween so you have a legitimate excuse.

Matt88 says
I'm a fucking genius!!
yz101 says
smart = college = drinking = ...
SuburbianMike says
notfromoklahoma asks
Isn't polling Scots about drunkenness like going to McDonald's to ask if people like McNuggets?

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Social networking sites more popular than porn

First the Playboy Mansion layoffs, now porn is losing out to Facebook? What has this world come to?

staplemaniac explains the phenomenon
One is used for jerkin it
One is used for finding someone to jerk it for ya
BTConan replies
You are a master of the English language.
socivitus says
This whole "social" thing the web is going through is just a phase. Back in '99 it used to be cool to have flashing images all over your site, that faded out. Porn on the other hand has never loss its stride.
l3asketCase says
Jerking off to the girl my my American Lit class is way better than doing it to girls I don't know.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

40 unwritten rules to live by

Men's Health puts together a pretty stupid list of male virtues. One of them is "easy on the mayo." No joke.

ScottMitchell says
Despite the article's title, there were 40 rules written down on the page, plain as day. Unwritten, my ass.
waxcrash says
I have never met a straight man that reads Men's Health.
theadvinci says
10. Do not get a visible tattoo larger than your penis.
wrzhydr replies
doesn't leave me much options then..

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ducks' Todd Marchant scores crazy goal

At least, I think it's a crazy goal. It says it's a crazy goal.

I'm more impressed that professional hockey still exists.

Benjamintc says
Nifty how he made the puck completely invisible.
ABadPerson replies
Only Canadians can see the puck.
Clancycoop says
I had to deduce from the announcer's excitement that something cool actually happened.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Bogus: Sarah Palin: If ice melts, polar bears can adapt

The English newspaper Telegraph printed — or rather, posted; I'm not sure if this made it into the paper — a bogus quote from Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. "These magnificent, cuddly white bears are doing just fine and don't need our protection," Palin supposedly said. "If the ice melts, they'll adapt to living on the land."

The statement was, in fact, too dumb to be true. Yes, even for a Republican, who was found wearing a scarf promoting the Democrat donkey symbol (left). The Telegraph didn't respond for comment, but they did revise the original story, acknowledging the quote's inaccuracy.

But let's pretend it was real because the comments are funnier that way.

CabanaBoy says
Perhaps they can adapt to eat Republican Vice-president candidates...
4321234 replies
Not much nutritional value there. Full of shit.
mvanhorn asks
Don't you have to believe in evolution to have them adapt?
BeatPunchbeef says
Yeah, nothing says camouflage in the woods like a BIG WHITE FUCKING BEAR.

His prey will adapt by seeing him a mile away.

Friday, October 24, 2008

'I am under 18' button clicked for first time in history

Anything better than the Onion or porn? What about an Onion article about porn. Oh, yes.

jenel asks
So, who else went to juggworld.com just after reading the article?

(fun fact: it doesn't actually have an "I'm under 18" button)
iDiggIt42 replies
However, I am not disappointed by the content.
GarrettGrimsley replies

Juggworld.com is a real site - Do NOT go there unless you want to see naked women with large breasts.
buddamus replies
Thanks for the warning, I thought it was about poetry
dasamps says
I once clicked the "I'm under 18" button, but it was in french so that was more of an accident really.
n0t0kayipr0mis3 says
I'm gonna be 18 on friday, can't wait!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lucas and Spielberg rape Indiana Jones on South Park

If you happened to miss the South Park season premiere a couple weeks ago (and if you did, you suck), here's the highlight of the episode. Lucas' face during the pinball scene is absolutely priceless.

Aguyinachair asks
Was anyone unnerved by those rape scenes in that episode? Usually I'm for South Park, but something about those clips made me really uneasy...maybe I'm just a wuss.
OptionalPirate replies
Yes. Yes you are.
BlaqReaper replies
After 2 girls 1 cup nothing phases...oh God the images, they burn!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Barack Obama's health care for small businesses

In the final debate, Barack Obama details how much small-business Joe (who I assume is this Joe Six-pack I'm hearing all about, but I didn't actually see this debate) will have to pay in fines under his health care plan. John McCain seems to respond, "Oh, that sounds pretty sweet!"

kezia1 says
Fordi says
I think he was trying to look incredulous - but McCain doesn't have a lot of expressive capability, so it just came out as 'dumbfounded'.
rmtamm says
He averages two blinks per second throughout the entire clip!
Blaqreaper replies
Counted 51 blinks, but I'm sure I missed some in there too....
I need to make better use of my life.
rentmitchum replies
If he doesn't his eyes will start to dry out which starts the complete reversal of the unmummification...

..he's really old.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Backwards B Fail

Probably both my favorite Fail blog entry and my favorite comment thread.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Scuba horse

What the fuck, indeed.

solstice21 says
It's a sea horse!
bwjacket says
You can lead a horse to water... or dress him like a fucking idiot. But never both at the same time.
ar0ne says
Look out, its Scuba Steed

Monday, October 13, 2008

O.J. Simpson found guilty of armed robbery

O.J. couldn't dodge the bullet this time. A jury found the former gridiron juggernaut guilty of 12 counts of armed robbery. Let's see how the Digg users decided to mourn the football legend.

AlphaMack says
13 years to the day. Talk about karma.
AshsToAshs says
Hes a a famous black man... he was obviously framed.
Shiv68 says
We finally got him! Alright white people!
ishnupu says
On the outside he was OJ
In prison he's Blo J

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Puppy performs mouth to mouth

That'll do, dog. That will do.

akpwnzz says
Securing the forehead can sometimes go over looked. Looks like this pup knows what hes doing.
yellowfish04 says
Head On, apply puppy directly to the forehead.
Head On, apply puppy directly to the forehead.
Head On, apply puppy DIRECTLY to the forehead.
McMahon9 says
"If you don't make it, Michael Vick is gonna adopt me!"
datagod says
Nothing like waking up hung over to a mouth full of puppy puke...
coolremo says
Notice the bulge in the guy's pants.
XenoSNK replies
Notice your noticing of the bulge in the guy's pants.

Suicide is not funny

Case in point: an AIM conversation that probably should have been taken seriously. But I guess that's why there are suicide hotlines — most people on the Internet are douche bags.

Syphon0928 says
If Nick's real dad is a dumbfuck, then I guess it runs in the family.
I mean...How can you not want a go-cart??
Pandatot replies
That is an unanswerable question.
Ftown13 says
Better advice than Dr. Phil
Masna says
This guy should be a psychologist!

"My boyfriend just committed suicide because of me..."
"I have just the fix.." *pulls out go cart*

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Animal alley parade on Trigger Happy TV

I really miss this show. Britain's hidden camera show, Trigger Happy TV, was by far one of the best British exports since the Beatles.

masterfuja embodies the maturity of YouTube commenters
ha.. ha he ran like fag
badboyburton360 says
my dad was the fox in that part and he got paid £50 for it
sniperskisocks says
that is not funny at all that happens to me all the time and i to me its stupid
brianamaec replies
wtf how does it happen to you all the time ?!
sniperskisocks replies
i have a lot of dumb friends!

Game consoles stored in GameStop bathroom

Having worked at a major game retailer for a couple months, I can tell you from first hand experience that keeping merchandise in the employee bathroom is nothing out of the ordinary. These stores only have so much space in the back for everything, and spillover into the bathroom is sometimes unavoidable.

We kept some of the refurbished systems in the bathroom. So if that grosses you out, you might want to only buy new — or from a store with unlimited spacial resources, like Wal-Mart or something.

MikeonTV says
I dont think that bothers me
SteveLRowe might be bothered
Slowly takes the Xbox 360 out of my mouth
homer420032003 says
WARNING: Don't lick your Xbox.
nymphetamine replies
What I do with my Xbox, in the privacy of my home, is none of your business.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Error page for the error page

An error page someone encountered using Gmail: "Dear valued user, You have reached the error page for the error page... You win!!"

benighted says
"Archivement unlocked"
drex8 says
You win 1 Internet.
Please use it recklessly.
ConanMayerFan says
too much internet for today, i'm going out to get some fresh error

Enjoy the view

I've got to say: I wouldn't find that very entertaining.

markbrown says
Holy fucking shit ... a family room with a fireplace!
kLacK says
If you trim the bushes it will make your deck look bigger.
kalleanka says
i like the part where dock was misspelled dick... haha
LopsidedZebra replies
I think they meant deck...
Fl0ydP1nkert0n says
I think they meant penis.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Hugh Hefner lays off Playboy bunnies amidst financial crisis

The collapse of the financial sector ain't got nothing on the tragedy that has befallen the Playboy Mansion. Hugh Hefner has been forced to cut back on staff due to the tough economic situation. When will the injustices end? When, I ask?!

Rollic says
We live in a world where this isn't a parody news headline.

shauntacular asks
How much are the lower end bunnies going for? The "Clearance Rack"!
jmark13 says
I'll "staff" one.

Wait, Make that two...
darkchild82 says
Hot babes with huge tits will survive any financial crisis.

Hottest wedding dress ever

This wedding dress just screams classiness. Where's my wedding invitation?

rrouse says
That's not a dress.
Lucifugerising replies
...thats a space station?
Jakerzon replies
It's a slut wrap.
Haidoken says
hot yes, but it belongs in the bedroom, not on the aisle
Nowheredan replies
Specifically, MY bedroom.
drewfusb replies
it belongs everywhere, to everyone
kangy3213 says
you may now fap the bride

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Free stuff

Women's publications generally aren't my go-to source for guidance, but this one has a nifty list of stuff you can get for free that you would never have expected were free. And Digg users had some additional things to add to that list.

psykiv reminisces
Back in the day: Free money ala alladvantage and desktopdollars
Free internet through netzero
free 1 800 number through ureach
free webspace: angelfire, tripod
free domains: (there was one, but forgot the name)

I remember there was even one for a free car (although you were basically driving around a giant billboard, and you have to pay the gas and insurance)
beefchi says
free stds
seantubridy says
Free Willy
seantubridy had one more to add
Free Tibet.

Scrabble grave tombstone

Cool idea, sad stuff.

PhillyMJS says
Hasbro sues the guy's estate in 3... 2... 1...
gabrielbeug asks
Why is he hard?
adrames replies
"Poker" "Hard" "Inside"
bdfariello says
What do you want on your Tombstone?
Pepperoni and Cheese!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Real age dog chart

Turns out your dog's age isn't as simple as multiply by seven. Its size is a significant factor once it comes to ages past two.

pdizz says

This is messed up. I've always gone by the 1:7 ratio and given that assumption I wont let my dog drink beer until he's three years old. Now this chart says he could have been drinking since he was about 1 yr 8 mo old. I'm going to give him a beer and an apology as soon as I get home.

Gargilius replies

I barely dare to ask what you did to celebrate your dog's second and a half anniversary...


I've never seen a 60 year old man run down a football field and back to catch a ball and run all the way back to retrieve it. How does this age thing get calculated anyways? :-)

Spacepope6 replies

Clearly you've never heard of Vinny Testaverde.

EA class action lawsuit over Spore SecuROM DRM

A class action lawsuit is being brought against Electronic Arts, the publisher of the highly anticipated PC game Spore. Seems they pissed off one too many people with the SecuROM digital rights management technology that makes resale of the game nearly impossible. It's not just that, but they don't really tell you about the DRM when you buy it.

This is shaping up to be very, very reminiscent of the Sony rootkit case of a couple years ago.

Croecop says
DRM is like taking two cocks in the ass at the same time, but not regular cocks, I'm talking the huge porno sized ones.
santaliqueur replies
Is that the first analogy you thought of? Huge cocks?
dvsbastard says
DRM = Digitally Rape Me

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Drunk Facebook pictures will screw you with employers

Local news just loves certain topics. The dangers of social networking sites is one of them. Drunk kids is the other. So this story on NBC11 about college kids posting photos of themselves hammered and passed out in various locales seems like a natural fit.

boojoy says
"I saw your Web site. What do you mean you don't want to have sex with me? Your Web site says you do."

This is a great pick up line.
smartcause asks
What kind of person looks at that group and thinks "hey, I've got a picture of me drunk and passed out with a cat walking on my head, I should totally upload it!"
CTRaiderThe1st says
#14 Perfect for a resume if getting into porn.
milkman4350 says
Enjoy college ladies. Enjoy college.

Kanye West, 50 Cent face off again on album sales

Kanye West 50 Cent
Kanye West and 50 Cent will have another head-to-head. Not in the cool, 8-Mile rap battle style, no it's just a competition for who can make the most money. Kind of like a challenge among Best Buy employees about who can make the most commission in a given month.

Kanye West, who despite his poor grammar and unrivaled douchebaggery, won last year's money-off with Fitty, but to be fear, West actually writes some pretty decent songs, when compared to 50 Cent, who simply spits line-after-line of cliché with a vocal composite that sounds like he has a few too many balls in his mouth.

ohnoerino says
Clash of the egomaniacs 2008!
dnw5032 says
I smell a sitcom
bassman12593 says
Music is like candy, you throw out all the rappers.

Monday, September 29, 2008

New dad Clay Aiken is gay

After somehow making some type of mutant baby with record producer Jaymes Foster, American Idol loser Clay Aiken comes out of the closet. What a shocker. CNN reports that the announcement was suspected by many. Not really sure what tipped them off: maybe it was his blatant homosexuality or the fact that he sang a Gloria Estefan song co-written by Mac Gayden. Really, gay-den. I shit you not.

piznut asks
Which closet would that be? The one with the glass door on it?
thetanman says
You know how I know you're gay? You're Clay Aiken.
jerrolds says
more like Gay Aiken AMIRITE?
sapphire9488 asks
seriously, is there anyone who didn't figure this out 5 years ago?
bobjewback says
in other news ruben studdard is fat

House is probably a health risk

Some people just aren't fit to live on their own. Nothing evidences the point better than this Houston home. Trash lines nearly every inch of the floor, as pizza boxes and fast food wrappers become a sort of makeshift carpet. And once you see the pictures of the bathroom, you might struggle to maintain control of your stomach and bowel reflexes. It's that bad.

delkarnu asks

the real question is, "how many lvl 70 characters does she have?"

johnfn says

How CAN anyone live like that? Who would even think of owning an emachines computer?

lex99 says

The ironing board is a nice touch.

stomicron replies


Spacecow asks

What is that shit on the bathroom floors? Insulation?

pavel_lishin replies


Friday, September 26, 2008

Wisconsin's finest

Aves Taxidermy and Cheese? Sounds like a match made in heaven.

lektroluv asks
What's so funny about this? They need the cheese to catch the animals they stuff.
xyllar replies
or maybe they stuff the animals with cheese.
filolife says
Wisconsinite here saying this does not surprise me at all.

Man killed by condom

Man stretches condom over his head. Man suffocates. What a way to go.

Pete0430 says
Natural selection at its finest!
DroogInPhoenix says
Safe sex kills.
jcharak58 says
covered the wrong head

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Guitar Hero optical illusion

Rumor is if you stare at it long enough, you can see she's playing Guitar Hero. It's not working for me, but then again, I was never very good at decoding those 3D Magic Eye paintings.

Melodik says
She's spilling out of her top. That's not attractive, just an indication she needs better-fitting clothing.
bustachops replies
false - it's attractive. my wiener does not lie
skinflute replies
It's an indication that they want out.
aforce369 says
I'd let her use my whammy-bar.
Mistle says
I don't know if anyone has noticed, but if you look away from the guitar you can see she has pretty big breasts.
lipglossnerd asks
Which is more plastic? The guitar or her boobs?
saeglopur says
It's a sailboat.

Oprah vs. over 9,000 penises

Oprah falls victim to not one, but two Internet memes. Over nine-thousand and pedobear for the win.

ligyron says
GassyTurd says
Epic troll. That deserves an award. They must have laughed themselves unconscious when they saw that on TV.
ursername180 says
Next week on Oprah: Oprah learns about the internet.
Beckwith says
Internet: 1
Oprah: 0
slapded says
oprah eats 9000 calories a day

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Worst fighting technique

This UFC fighter's technique looks pretty good to me. His opponent seems pretty scared too.

hantata says
It appears to be working... why the hell is the other guy backing away!? Go in and rip his arm off..
JoeJoeMa says
works like a charm on my 10 year old sister
Wootstapler says
I'm going to be swinging my arms through the air while blocking, and if you just so happened to get hit, that's not my fault

Google News fail

This slip-up, showing Gov. Sarah Palin pictured next to a story about pig cruelty, is pretty great taken out of context. But it's not a total stretch. Remember that controversy about lipstick on a pig? The Google machines are trying, guys.

mentat says

You sir, mispelled "win"

cloudform says

For once, I don't feel hungry for bacon.

cantitoe says

You bookmarked TV Guide...What a loser!!!