The website Brainz was off to a bad start to begin with. Any use of a "z" in place of an "s" is a bright, neon sign, alerting onlookers to how stupid you are. That was strike one.
Strike two is the use of the word "hack" in reference to a vital human organ. It's been a downhill battle for years, but you only hack computers, not body parts. Hacking a body part means to cut it off. For those keeping score, that was strike two.
I couldn't really find reason enough to strike out Brainz's "
15 ways to hack your brain" because it has some pretty nice pictures and a few decent ideas. But I mostly look at things for the pictures. So, No. 1 and 15 certainly
do the job.
VodkanLemons saysWarning: if you hack your brain, you will die
aherman saysI refuse to read articles that tell me how to 'hack' non-hackable stuff.
batmanz saysWhen I saw the first two pictures I got all excited because of the chicks in bikinis. Then I was disappointed when the streak ended at number 3. Then I got all excited again when number 4 was bacon.
Oh, Korean food...