Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lucas and Spielberg rape Indiana Jones on South Park

If you happened to miss the South Park season premiere a couple weeks ago (and if you did, you suck), here's the highlight of the episode. Lucas' face during the pinball scene is absolutely priceless.

Aguyinachair asks
Was anyone unnerved by those rape scenes in that episode? Usually I'm for South Park, but something about those clips made me really uneasy...maybe I'm just a wuss.
OptionalPirate replies
Yes. Yes you are.
BlaqReaper replies
After 2 girls 1 cup nothing phases...oh God the images, they burn!


Anonymous said...

that episode stunk (sorry)...

but... "Indy 4" was a great movie.

South Park hasn't been any good for a while now.

Anonymous said...

I can't find anything that you just said that was right. Seriously, nothing.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the first guy is Butters.