Monday, November 17, 2008

What's Joe the Plumber saying to John McCain's daughter?

Look, I promise this is the last election-related post I'll do. I know the election is weeks over, but this one's for one last look (or for many, the first) at John McCain's super hot daughter.

hjmt says
"There's a POW in my pants."
mattgilberg says
"The only thing that's longer and harder than this election is my erection"
bigtimslim asks
Why haven't I seen paparazzi photos of her on a beach yet?
abarysh2 replies
Because unfortunately she didn't inherit Cindy's figure..
doublefelix replies
I'd hit it, then vote against it.
sandersdamnit says
"I want to stick my penis inside your vagina."
Rainemaker replies
"If you know what I mean".

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