Monday, September 29, 2008

New dad Clay Aiken is gay

After somehow making some type of mutant baby with record producer Jaymes Foster, American Idol loser Clay Aiken comes out of the closet. What a shocker. CNN reports that the announcement was suspected by many. Not really sure what tipped them off: maybe it was his blatant homosexuality or the fact that he sang a Gloria Estefan song co-written by Mac Gayden. Really, gay-den. I shit you not.

piznut asks
Which closet would that be? The one with the glass door on it?
thetanman says
You know how I know you're gay? You're Clay Aiken.
jerrolds says
more like Gay Aiken AMIRITE?
sapphire9488 asks
seriously, is there anyone who didn't figure this out 5 years ago?
bobjewback says
in other news ruben studdard is fat

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