Friday, November 28, 2008

How can I get my labrador dog to stop urinating and defacating on me while I'm sleeping?

Yahoo Answers strikes again.

As hilarious as the question "How can I get my labrador dog to stop urinating and defacating on me while I'm sleeping?" and the accompanying description are, the comments are even better. How does Yahoo manage to pack so much stupidity into one website?

Kensington V asks
How can I get my labrador dog to stop urinating and defacating on me while I'm sleeping?

She's 7 years old and in the last few months she has taken to jumping on the bed when I am sleeping and either doing a poo or weeing on me. I don't find out until I wake up in the morning. Why is she doing this and how can I stop her? PS I can't put her outside, I live in a small apartment and it is too cold for her elsewhere.
Cole D replies
runbmd replies
You may want to take off your fire hydrant costume before you go to bed.
Boy Howdy! replies
She obviously thinks that your bed is her territory and is trying to mark it. You need to assert that it is your territory so you need to urinate or defaecate on your own bed to show that it is yours.

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