Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ann Coulter has mouth wired shut

Thanks to a fortuitous jaw injury, national sweetheart and vehement racist Ann Coulter had her mouth forcibly wired shut, according to reports. This is especially infuriating if you're Ann Coulter because a few weeks ago, she learned that the next president would be a black man, and now she has to deal with no being able to tell people how furious she is about that.

It's a tragedy, really.

ibmetom says

So the glory hole in the fifth floor men's can at FOX HQ is temporarily out of service.

Playincard says

I'd still fuck her in the mouth.

kublakhan replies

frankly, I'd much prefer to beat her with a rusty tire iron

pandawho1212 says

When reached for comment, Coulter scribbled this on a notepad angrily: "you're all GAY!!!"

krugerlive says

From the comments

While they were wiring her jaw shut they should have also removed her adam's apple and her penis

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