So, what do Diggers think about the name change?
blitzkriegpunk says
TomT223 saysStill not gonna get him laid.
No big deal. I went to school with a lot of kids with that same exact name
naturalpapa says
How about just Dork?
Wrangling the funniest comments on news stories from around the Web.
TomT223 saysStill not gonna get him laid.
No big deal. I went to school with a lot of kids with that same exact name
How about just Dork?
How can I get my labrador dog to stop urinating and defacating on me while I'm sleeping?Cole D replies
She's 7 years old and in the last few months she has taken to jumping on the bed when I am sleeping and either doing a poo or weeing on me. I don't find out until I wake up in the morning. Why is she doing this and how can I stop her? PS I can't put her outside, I live in a small apartment and it is too cold for her elsewhere.
Boy Howdy! repliesYou may want to take off your fire hydrant costume before you go to bed.
She obviously thinks that your bed is her territory and is trying to mark it. You need to assert that it is your territory so you need to urinate or defaecate on your own bed to show that it is yours.
jnorby saysShe and the turkey should trade places
The 'gotcha media' got her again!!Dirtcock says
What's the difference between Sarah Palin's mouth and her vagina?
Only some of the things that come out of her vagina are retarded.
LOLthelastcivilian says
I thought that was hitler
BooostedAWD saysI guess the time has come that we can make fun of civil rights leaders.
PlutoniumPlague repliesThis would be funny if my Dreamcast didn't get stolen last week.
Now you know who has it....
Playincard says
kublakhan repliesI'd still fuck her in the mouth.
pandawho1212 saysfrankly, I'd much prefer to beat her with a rusty tire iron
krugerlive saysWhen reached for comment, Coulter scribbled this on a notepad angrily: "you're all GAY!!!"
From the comments
While they were wiring her jaw shut they should have also removed her adam's apple and her penis
bazacko saysDont be a pussy it looks legit.
Oxygen recommendsI didn't get one of these, but I sent my info just to be safe.
You better include your Social Security Number too, just to be safe.
0ceanic saysDo they come in any other flavors and scents besides fish?
black296tuuk saysits funny because it could also be used to massage the inside of her vagina.
You're doing it wrong.
aherman saysWarning: if you hack your brain, you will die
batmanz saysI refuse to read articles that tell me how to 'hack' non-hackable stuff.
When I saw the first two pictures I got all excited because of the chicks in bikinis. Then I was disappointed when the streak ended at number 3. Then I got all excited again when number 4 was bacon.
Vagabond saysAbortion tea FTW.
Vagabond repliesHey, I know someone on that diet >> she’s due this month… good diet
grond replies‘Only way to lose weight is through your vagina!’
Ryannon repliesOr through other types of sport…
Vagina is considered sport?
mattgilberg says"There's a POW in my pants."
bigtimslim asks"The only thing that's longer and harder than this election is my erection"
abarysh2 repliesWhy haven't I seen paparazzi photos of her on a beach yet?
Because unfortunately she didn't inherit Cindy's figure..doublefelix replies
sandersdamnit saysI'd hit it, then vote against it.
Rainemaker replies"I want to stick my penis inside your vagina."
"If you know what I mean".
Dunno about the 'States, but in the UK, because those stickers impede rear view, they would constitute a traffic offence / violation.chr0nic21 replies
DrDigg asksThe owner of this car violates the intelligence of humanity.
Genrre repliesWhy do these nuts always live in my state.
mrKuenzel points outBecause we are 49th in public education :(
LowFuel asksThe All-American.... Toyota.
What would Jesuc drive?
droford asksThis is great. My understanding is that all the old people are in the process of dying.
quasipolymath repliesNow wheres the one where it shows only the votes of old people?
rahamm saysThey all voted for Matlock. It was a landslide.
Only the suckiest states in the Union are red.riverrunner replies
YOU HEAR ME IDAHO take your shitty potatos and go home!
se1zure saysCrap I kinda like Idaho.
If Just black people voted
feralape repliesfine print: "Does not work for nutcases from Alaska with the initials SP.
foambullet saysor works twice as good wink wink
feralape asksYou know what else makes men horny? Everything.
foambullet replies.... oh really? Your Grandmother makes you horny? What about your Mother or Sister? well, ok, Mothers are gross and we should probably exclude sisters from this- but you know what I'm saying.
feralape suggestsGreat, now I have a boner at work...
Try covering it up with a book.
dynamitekidtx asksHelp me Wolf Blitzer you are my only hope
pattyman5000 saysThink of the porn implications!
"Thank you Jessica. You were a terrific hologram."
Only in American can a history of old white looking women turn into a young black man.tallguyg replies
astrobela saysthat already happened in reverse with Michael Jackson.
sockpuppets saysIt's funny because it's change.
Shissy repliesI'm colorblind. Which one is he?
ocsurferreport saysThe black one.
rawnzilla saysThis is some fucked up shit.
rileyhallwood saysThe Bush/McCain Iraq Exit Strategy: Go through Syria.
uh oh
So the glory hole in the fifth floor men's can at FOX HQ is temporarily out of service.