Monday, March 30, 2009

WeFollow: Kevin Rose's Twitter people directory

If there's anything bigger than Kevin Rose among the Internet geek community, it's Twitter. A combination of the two, as is the case with Rose's new start-up WeFollow (a people-powered directory of Twitter users), could no doubt bring down the Web and disrupt space and time.

No wormholes yet, but I'm still hiding under my desk — just in case.

P.S. Anyone remember Pownce? Rose's start-up from way back that was supposed to compete with Twitter? No? Wait, one guy did.

whoreable says
It is funny cause of pownce.
sockpuppets replies
I'm waiting for the domain to expire so I can buy it and build a social networking site for cats.
Sunscreen interrupts
OMG. I went to an internet website a few minutes ago, and there were DICKS EVERYWHERE.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Unemployed 'to do' list

Sounds like a busy life.

bstockwell says
8 shouldn't be complete yet, unless he took this in the future.
plagiats replies
or posted it twice
diskoh replies
Dude you blew my mind!
scor77xc asks
OMG, a list that doesn't end in PROFIT!

Oh that's right, cuz he's unemployed....
Brandynp asks
Masturbate isn't on there?
fguanlao replies
No need for a reminder

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

At least he is an honest scammer

Usually when daring and frustrated Internet users, try to mess with a phisher, they'll use the ol' bait 'n switch. Mike Nash took a different approach, as you can see in the screen shot to the right. To be honest, Mr. Robert Dutu sounds like a downright nice guy.

Fixhotep says
Danblank000 says
id be tempted to let him scam me......seems like such a nice chap!
Jeffler says
..shit, you're saying this Dutu guy isn't real? BRB CALLING BANKS

Monday, March 23, 2009

Joe the Plumber's lonely book signing

Joe the Plumber's book signing in Washington DC was a bit of wash. The event was scheduled to last three hours, but ended after 55 minutes, with our friend Joe having only sold a total of five books.

To be fair, who would have thought his 15 minutes of fame would last 40 minutes longer than it should have. And to think, I could have gone to this, and watched him squirm.

techtock says
publiclurker says
They actually thought his supporters could read?
Klak replies
who knew joe the plumber could write?
narupo says
Palin/Plumber 2012.
NaturalCauzes says
Dear Joe the Plumber,

Come back after fighting a turtle-dragon. Only then can you be called a plumber.

It's a me,

Friday, March 20, 2009

Swedos: Swedish guidos

Make it stop!

Reaktor5 says
Needs more popped collars.
Cheeselover says
I think the one in the middle is jerking off the other one.
wonkavsn asks
That creature at the bottom right... do you think he has magic powers?
PaulClayberg replies
I put on my robe and self-tanning lotion..

12-hour Viagra-fueled orgy ends in death

Happy Friday!

A 28-year-old Russian man died after taking a bottle of Viagra pills for an apparent 12-hour sex romp. Two women told Moscow police they bet Tuganov $US4300 that he wouldn't be able to satisfy them during a non-stop half day sex marathon. The mechanic died of a heart attack minutes after winning the bet.

No accompanying photo necessary for this one, I think.

alapoet says
Maybe that's how I wanna go out...
KoldKalamity says
fuck AND get money? it normally works the other way around.
inhaler replies
In Soviet Russia...
bixby says
Well done! (except the dying part)
mdisc says
he went out with a bang
draxenato says
He came and went at the same time, I wouldn't mind having that on my gravestone
hawk0168 says
Penis asplode.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

New pennies issued by the US Mint

The fine folks at the super coin-making factory emporium (read: the U.S. Mint) have crafted four new pennies for your spending enjoyment. Bonus: the actual coins are worth less than what it costs to make them (1.4 cents a piece). It's a good investment for no one!

ZZOTH says
cool, i'll take 4 of the new ones and buy 4 shares of GM stock.
DirtyBinLV says
Every time I throw pennies in the trash, I think of my Jewish ancestors spinning in their graves.
GB570 replies
You throw pennies in the trash? Why not melt them down..they're worth 1.4 pennies a piece.

Weirdest soccer goal-scoring celebration ever

AFC Bournemouth's Lee Bradbury celebrates his first goal against Grimsby with the new routine, while his teammates played along.

OK, I admit it. I took that description from Digg. I have no idea what any of it means. But some people know what's going on with soccer, right? After all, they call it "football" in some places, you know.

MrBlanks says
No, not the weirdest. This is the weirdest
DarrenFreemont says
I just don't think it was very nice of him to punch all of his own teammates.
ThatGeek says
that was terrible defense.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Christian Bale freak out

By now, you've no doubt heard the audio clip of Christian Bale flipping a shit on the set of Terminator Salvation. So, why not listen to it again? It's fun, and a welcome reminder that Bale is kind of a douche. Damn lighting guy.

KnifeStorm says
Bale's gonna be pissed at the sound guys for recording this.
PixelMagic says
One might say that Bale goes batshit crazy.
Barackalypse says
Why so serious?

How to find new women in your everyday life

I have this terrible habit of giving publicity to things that I think are retarded. They say there's no such thing as bad press. I don't know who "they" are, but damn if they aren't right.

But for the purpose of this blog, the point is to find funny comments. And since stupid-ass articles tend to attract the funniest reactions, here's one for the record books.

It's a miserably stupid piece about meeting girls. (I like to link insulting phrases to these stupid pages to boost their SEO rank for those keywords. Passive aggressive geekery at its finest.) It doesn't even give all that good of information for such a simple task. They're half the population, dude. Just look around and talk to some of them.

ThatGeek sums it up
so... in conclusion, to meet women, go to places where there are women...
daonlyfreez says
OMG, they are everywhere!
mreade says
May sound funny, but I've had really good luck at the zoo... yeah ok, waiting for all the jokes now...
jmkiii replies
No, that seems reasonable.
What species?
yomamaisfat says
Finding them is the easy part. Then what?
dildoolielly says
Easiest girls are at church, guaranteed

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Biggest swimming pool in the world

Take a look at these photos of the largest swimming pool in the world. Located at San Alfonso del Mar resort in Algarrobo, Chile, it's basically really fucking big. Plus, it's like right on the ocean, which makes me wonder why they would spend all this time and money making a big-ass pool when they could've walked an extra 20 feet into a much bigger, less man-made body of water.

OK, so quick story. I'm blogging this one at the library, 5 in the morning when I should be studying. I scroll through the comments to find this jewel by m3mn0n, and lose it. It's either sleep deprivation or the wittiest comment ever. For the sake of you guys, let's hope it's the latter.

MMusick says
It would be nice to swim one lap and be done.
RiceNCurry says
I heard Phelps was born in this pool.
xtonypiercex says
you could pee in it and no one would know
OUSooner replies
What pool can't you do that in?
m3mn0n replies

Ultra nerd in paradise

This geek looks like he's having a great vacation in his living room.

I find this photo especially suiting because I, too, am on vacation right now. Well, not right now, while I write this. But when this post actually goes up. Or is going up. Bah, I suck at tenses. Anyway, I'm on the Pacific beach, so ha!

kmpz asks
Why the hell is he wearing shades??
raydeen replies
'Cause his future is so bright.
thefbimonkey says
I bet he is playing World of Warcraft, AM I RIGHT PEOPLE?
ceruleanocte says
i'm surprised the pepsi bottle isn't full of urine

Monday, March 16, 2009

Hot Super Bowl fans paint bodies

Everybody excited for the Super Bowl matchup?! Look, I'm sorry again for taking so much time away from my golden nuggets. But I can make it up to you with this month-old, but still super awesome clip of girls painting themselves in a sort of Rebecca Romijn (not Stamos!) from X-Men thing.

You might need to login to view the above video. Because it's just that awesome.

tj111 says
Not that I don't love the Superbowl, but I'd rather watch 3 hours of this instead.
feezus says
I liked the part with the boobies.
nils says
Works much better with the sound turned off.
robEstyles says
FAKE! no one is actually a Cardinals fan
fluxboxuk says
This isnt where i parked my car !

They met at a bar

I enjoyed this little comic: an exercise in honesty and of how pathetic online dating is. I think. Either that or it's glorifying prostitution. Glorify. That kind of sounds like glory hole. OK, this is just dirty.

By the way, I know this is an old image. ("Older than the Internet!" Man, you are so funny and original.) But that's what happens when I stop updating for nearly a month. Things get stale. My sincerest apologies to Susan, a fan and lone reader of this blog. I have let you and the rest of Texas down.

mrmount says
Holy *****, my GF is a hooker!
LordofChaoslori replies
We know.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Start calling Pluto an asteroid

Not really sure who "friends of Pluto" are. Probably just your average weirdos. Or aliens. Uh oh! Do you think? No! It couldn't be. Could it?

jwolcott says
paid for by the friends of pluto

shaunj66 replies
Goofy and Mickey have a lot to answer for
gumby05 says
I thought it was a teaser for a new Michael Bay movie
Pawsick asks, on a separate note
Does this also mean if I start calling every woman I see a whore I'll get laid more often?
Matt2k replies
Yes. You have achieved nirvana. Now go forth grasshopper

I can teach you no more
hitkaiser replies
You'll just be a rapper
brainflakes says
It's okay Pluto, I'm not a planet either