Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to find new women in your everyday life

I have this terrible habit of giving publicity to things that I think are retarded. They say there's no such thing as bad press. I don't know who "they" are, but damn if they aren't right.

But for the purpose of this blog, the point is to find funny comments. And since stupid-ass articles tend to attract the funniest reactions, here's one for the record books.

It's a miserably stupid piece about meeting girls. (I like to link insulting phrases to these stupid pages to boost their SEO rank for those keywords. Passive aggressive geekery at its finest.) It doesn't even give all that good of information for such a simple task. They're half the population, dude. Just look around and talk to some of them.

ThatGeek sums it up
so... in conclusion, to meet women, go to places where there are women...
daonlyfreez says
OMG, they are everywhere!
mreade says
May sound funny, but I've had really good luck at the zoo... yeah ok, waiting for all the jokes now...
jmkiii replies
No, that seems reasonable.
What species?
yomamaisfat says
Finding them is the easy part. Then what?
dildoolielly says
Easiest girls are at church, guaranteed

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