Monday, August 4, 2008

Digg bombs Bill O'Reilly's McCain poll

Bill O'Reilly for Kids photo by Merfam on FlickrTabloid TV spinster Bill O'Reilly posted a poll on his site asking visitors to grade John McCain's presidential campaign thus far. Because Fox News loyalists are overwhelmingly conservative, Republican old men and old men lovers, it's likely that O'Reilly expected the results to result positively for McWalker. What I'm sure Fox didn't forsee was an intervention by the hippie, liberal, O-Bomb-loving hippies at Digg to bomb the poll by giving McWheelchair an "F" rating.

You done good, BNash577
I found the results!
Doomshot says
I F'd that poll up.
SubEl says
Fuckin' poll sucks. i'm not watching the show for results.
chanop is an independent anarchist
I'd bomb an Obama Poll that was on MSNBC also, merely because I hate internet polls


Susan said...

Well this isn't really a comment, but I couldn't find any other way to send you this suggestion.'s forums are a gold mine of comments perfect for comment gold...

CG said...

Thanks, Susan! I'll check it out. I've tried broadening the sites I cover, but the majority of mainstream news media and photo sharing places like Flickr seem to be a coal mine for dyslexic humor.

And not a good "Joey Lawrence from Blossom" dyslexic either.