Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas, Batman

Everybody could use family during Christmas time. Even Batman.

This picture is pretty old, most likely Photoshopped and kind of silly. But, come on! If this won't put a smile on your face, you certainly aren't in the Christmas/bitch-slapping mood.

rjsprague says
Sidekicks can be so insensitive.
mavranos says
Robin is such a douche.
smmakira says
I would slap Robin anyway just because.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Bush's shoe dodge goes viral

Props to President Bush. At a time when his approval rating seemingly couldn't go any lower, when a passerby is literally throwing clothing items at him — and not the cool, rockstar panties type of thing, either — he still seems like a pretty nice guy. I mean, he dodges not one but two shoes during a press conference, with a goofy, lovable smile on his face.

The day of the shoe fiasco, the videos completed dominated the YouTube charts. Well, almost completely.

RiouG says
99% Bush and Boobs. Yep, sounds about right.
petebot says
I like how after he ducks, Bush looks like he's having fun.
angelgabe says
Bush might just be the worst president in recent memory but I want that fool on my dodgeball team!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Is that Willy Wonka?

Seriously, who is that, and why is he on my plane?

binky79 says
Whoever he is. He would be the primary suspect in whatever caused the evacuation.
koldmilk says
Encase of emergency you can use your oopaloopa as a flotation device...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Most hardcore Pokemon fan

OK, let me preface by saying that the piece of junk website that is LiveJournal threw up a "must register" block. And since there's no passwords on BugMeNot, I say, screw you! So, if you are the one of three people on the Internet (who aren't in high school on the Internet) with a LiveJournal account, enjoy the weirdness that is "Pokemon girl."

The gist of it: This girl really, really likes Pikachu, and may be the primary source of income for Nintendo. If you can't tell from the thumbnail, she has a lot of Pika-merch.

Malik112099 says
One good dick and she'll burn all that shit.
sjbdallas says
You know what? I think I would.
ileftfark says
Flabby thighs... I choose YOU!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This is a picture of a dog in a mailbox

See, I'm not a liar.

CsHitman says
That's the best picture of a dog in a mailbox I've seen today!
sgtbutterscotch replies
O Rly?
EwMo says
I like the part where the dog is inside of the mailbox.
FireStalker3150 says
This is a video of Rick Astley singing "Never Gunna Give You Up
mikedidonato replies
Ugh. I fell for it again.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Can Digg get this guy laid?

How would a geek down on his luck with women turn a platonic friendship with a pretty girl into a one-time bang off? Create a website, called Help a Virgin, and get her to agree to have sex with you if the page gets 5 million hits. Oh, and don't forget to submit it to Digg and all those websites with loads of sympathetic dudes.

So, there's an idea. Will he succeed? Probably not. Poor geek.

Darren07 asks
Can Digg get him laid? As in, pay for a hooker?
Bukowsky says
Nobody on digg gets laid... that's why we all just yell at each other in comment threads.
crashbang suggests
Heres a crazy idea;
go out to a bar and talk to a couple of girls before you do something this retarded. I mean, honestly....

Monday, December 8, 2008


Hey there, wiener dog.

AltTab says

Oh, Korean food...

monesy says

Just top that off with some delicious bacon please.

state_of_alert says


Sutibu replies

...that was disturbing on multiple levels.