Thursday, August 7, 2008

They have to do THAT to reproduce!

No matter how bad your date last night was, just be thankful you aren't an anglerfish. In a cruel turn of events, the deep sea male must stalk some chick once it reaches maturity and bite her fin or else he will starve to death. The two fuse together, and the male is reduced to little more than a dangling sack of testicles that releases semen whenever the female deems she is ready to mate. Sexy.

nothreat33 says

The life of a male simplified.

sloetjes says

That's still better than my sex life.

Yes, I'm talking about you Susan.

riverrock replies

dont worry... there's plenty of fish in the sea

kmack says

Life finds a way... oh God, did I just use a Jurassic Park quote?

toeppen says

This happened to a college buddy of mine when he got married. Now he just shuttles his kids to various sports practices in a 1997 Chrysler Town & Country minivan. Poor guy never even saw it coming.

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