Wednesday, August 13, 2008

BMW: You know you're not the first

There is something profoundly fucked up about this ad.

jamestwisleton says
That girl has some mileage
canewediggit will buy
the bmw sloppy seconds series.
GeorgeCarlin says
This would work for a condom ad as well.
Farmer77 says
I never knew Emma Watson was such a slut.
atomicpoet says
That is the hottest Ewok I have ever seen.
Dundasbro references
Do you come with the car?
SheikYabooty replies
Oh you! hehehehehe
Kayakityak asks
She's what... 14?
PDF84 replies
makes it hotter
techdever replies
why don't you have a seat? right over there....

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