Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The 10 real reasons why geeks make better lovers

Wired, a magazine for geeks, has published perhaps the most ingenious traffic-getter imaginable. For geeks, a.k.a. the Internet, the article has three crucial appeals: It's a list; it's self-complimentary; and it's about sex. Throw a picture of Batman in there, and you've got the new Google.

onlyaftersunset asks
What about the cute geek girls? Are we better lovers, too? I like to think so.
hehdot replies
You don't exist. You're a figment of my imagination.
I think BXRWXR is missing an 'R' somewhere
Well, along with many other things, the Geeks did invent anal.
wesniles replies
i thought that was the gays
binorgog replies
We didn't invent it, we just made it trendy.
leftfark says
While you're totally fantasizing about this chick who finally *gets* you, here's the face and body behind the writing (scroll down a little bit). [pictured right]
Haroshia replies
dave122 replies
she looks like Mr. Ed.

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