Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Turkish man believes his ant farms can predict earthquakes

Ant farms may be as cool or as prevalent today as sea monkeys, but some Turkish guy is using his for good, not evil. Kadir Sutcu is using his ant farm to predict earthquakes, and he actually hit one on the money recently. When his ants start pushing daisies, he knows it's time to GTFO. He even sent out emails. Scientists researched the phenomenon and found absolutely nothing supporting the insect psychic claim, but you can't fault the guy for trying!

Surferess says
You can always count on the scientists to come in and ruin a good story with facts and evidence and stuff! They're such buzz kills!
VKMO says
I dunno, who do we believe? The scientists or the ants?
alapoet wants a fair trial
I want to hear the ants tell their side of the story.

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