Thursday, August 14, 2008

Football announcer: 'That's kinda gay'

It's Must See Thursday: If you haven't seen it, it's new to you! This two-year-old YouTube video of a college football color commentator at an NIU-Iowa game disses his play-by-play guy high school style. To be fair, there were about five "that's what she said" opportunities.

magicmagician says
ShmuckyPuppy says
What a professional.
skatelivendie1 declares
TeacupOfDoom recalls
oh man, i heard an announcer say "Thats the deepest penetration he's had so far in that position" i only wish i was recording that damn college game!
HerbertVolck gives us an update on the announcer's employment
He gets fired because of this harmless comment?
Come on. That's gay.

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