Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bill Plaschke, sports writer: 'I guess I like penis'

Continuing the "weird Chinese food" series, we have a video of LA Times sports writer Bill Plaschke eating animal penises in Beijing. Plaschke's reaction in the video is comment gold in and of itself: "It's got a little texture to it. But it's really tasty. I guess, I guess I like penis," he says. "And it does, you feel rich. It does give you this feeling. Maybe it's mental, but it's like your testosterone's going mad right now."
Man, Plaschke, that's kinda gay.

MarkInIrvine says

Bone appetit!

thereigoagain claims

this is blatant sexism. who will eat animal vagina????

GoodwithWood replies

I'll give it a try!

MarkInIrvine replies

It's tasty - like chicken .. or wait a minute - more like tuna!

cindyw chimes in

My kids always liked fish dicks.

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