Tuesday, August 26, 2008

11-year-old's organic veggie stand shut down by Calif. mayor

Coming in at reason No. 2 for kids to hate the world is this story about an 11-year-old girl running an organic vegetable stand that has been shut down by the mayor. Looks like you didn't get the proper permits, little missy.

DiggItalia says
Kids, veggies are evil and tastes bad. I ordered to shut down your stand for your own good. eat meat.
Ronald McDonald.
RoboCafaz has an idea about what those kids were really doing
It was a front for a child sex-slave trafficking company.
Vidalsassgirlie asks
Watcha sellin'? Meth, ex, crack, dust, coke, block, crystal? IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD? I DONT THINK SO!

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