Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Scientists say Martian soil could support life

Photo courtesy of ReutersYes, this is the second Mars story on this blog, but the whole "other planet having water" thing is kind of a big deal. Especially now that scientists are concluding that the planet's surface could, indeed, support life. This means there could be an entire colony of Marvin the Martians waiting to smash our billion-dollar space robot to bits. Wall-E better hope there's not life up there.

Rizzen might be jumping the gun
See guys, its okay, we can trash this planet and just move on!
SilenceIsFoo agrees, with one small caveat
Yeah. We just have to figure out how to get around that whole breathing oxygen thing.
Someone mentions some vegetable, and people like jimmaculate never let it go
Yahoo put up an article saying it could grow asparagus. Mmm. Asparagus.
disingenuous says
uptwolait says
I'm so excited, I soiled myself. Get it?

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