Monday, June 30, 2008

Losing virginity late may cause sexual dysfunction

File this one in "well duh" category. This solid report comes from ABC News, the knights of hard-hitting journalism (some say sarcasm doesn't come across well on the Internet, but I beg to differ). It finds that losing your virginity as late as 22 can result in sexual dysfunction, according to a recent survey. I envision scientists rounding up a group of nerds and examining them with stethoscopes to come to this groundbreaking conclusion.

The fact that this made it to the front page of Reddit (whereas none of my story submissions do, you fucking elitist assholes, why won't you just vote up my submissions already!) says something about its user base: namely that is comprised of a lot of 22-year-old virgins. Like a Discovery Channel documentary, let's listen in.

svengalus thinks they may have it backwards
Or sexual disfunction makes it harder for you to get laid. Which seems more probable?
It quickly turned into a relationship advice forum for IkoIkoComic

I sent this link to a 22-year-old-virgin that I know, on account of it being overwhelmingly appropriate. ... She's my girlfriend.

frukt is confused

Aren't you supposed to have sex with girlfriends or have I totally misunderstood something?

IkoIkoComic explains

This is not always how it works.

(See: Christianity)

gigaquack offers an alternative

Try to talk her into anal.

helaughed agrees

It's what Jesus would do.

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