Thursday, January 29, 2009

Steve Jobs, 1 year apart

If you've read any business news recently, then I'm sure you're well aware of the health problems plaguing Apple CEO Steve Jobs. So, instead of bore you with any elaborate details of what Jobs calls a "hormone imbalance," here's an illustration, showing exactly how accelerated this problem has become.

10goto10 says
Holy shit, his turtleneck got blacker.
jgray1975 says
Its the Steve Jobs Nano.
mlbwebdesign says
Pffffffft, He's fine! He looks great for 75. wait, he's 53?
spritom says
My iPhone did the same thing to me. The 2.0 version is radioactive!
justkikuchi says
hormone imbalance, my ass
chipxsd replies
your ass is hormone imbalanced?

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