Tuesday, January 6, 2009

College diversity

Racial diversity, it seems, is only a Photoshop away.

BorsKaegel says
It's like the ethnically-diverse 'Where's Waldo'.
bodhibay says
I found him!
dharasick says
It looks like he was photoshopped in...
whitezombie420 replies
pretty sure thats the point
honeymustardn replies
I imagine you wearing a monocle.
snaglepuss says
When you see it...
PixelMagic replies
...you'll cling tighter to your purse.
mysticalalone replies
Brad do you have any issues with " burn in " on your plasma?
How well does it handle blacks
I have it bolted to the wall, so they can't really take it without some serious work
SifuMoKung replies
I love when racist jokes make me laugh against my will.

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