Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Schoolgirl's perfume sends 11 students, bus driver to hospital

A Manchester, N.H. middle school student accidentally dropped a bottle of perfume on the bus. The bottle exploded, and was deemed stinky. So repugnant, in fact, that 11 students and the guy driving the bus had to be committed to the hospital, after complaints of nausea and dizziness.

ieyeaye says
It's called Sex Panther by Odeon.
Dumbledorito says
Isn't that how much they use, anyway? I figure things like "Axe" must have "Contents: One Application" on the cans somewhere, given the visible aura of stench its users seem to have.
Sornos replies
They should have also print:
"WARNING: Use of this product may cause your douche levels to rise"
Tumples says
That was a short story.
hotpuck6 replies
"the girl probably will be disciplined."

Wow, that's just good reporting right there.

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