Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Man faces 21 years for killing baby who interrupted video game

Some sicko murders an 18-day-old baby who wouldn't shut up when he was trying to play a video game. It's a sick story, but he gets his comeuppance. Let's turn to the comments for a lighter side.

Elliottx asks
The bigger question is. What game was he playing?
spkrcity replies
According to this article
it was an "assault type" game.
penguinofhonor replies
Obviously that means that the game was training him to kill babies.
zbeast says
smashingmonkey says
Talk about fragging newbs...

(Sorry, I use humor as a defense mechanism when faced with something unthinkable. In this case I know I should be dugg down)
ModeSeven replies
I'd digg you up but then we'd both go to hell.

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