Monday, September 22, 2008

Church sign champion: Our Lady of Martyrs

The clever exchange between confrontational Church sign-changers, although fake, is a pretty fun read. Beulah Cumberland Presbyterian Church put up a good fight, but Our Lady of Martyrs Catholic ultimately puts up the spiciest brand of mustard.

NuclearIsShit says
That sign is right, doggy style IS heaven!
binky79 has a good point
If animals don't go to heaven what will we eat up there?
archivist replies
Bacon, my dear friend...lots and lots of Bacon.
icehazard asks
what if there is no bacon :(
FDDIcent responds
Then it wouldn't be heaven for me

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, in the Presbyterians heaven, your dog (and other pets and animals) aren't allowed. Nothing that doesn't have a soul, eh? So that means, no sticks to toss for your dog that can't get there, no cotton for clothes, no instruments for music, no flowers or art work, no books, nothing to read. No TV, no video games. Wait, are we sure this is heaven we're talking about?