Monday, August 18, 2008

Student collapses every time she laughs

In probably the second-wost medical condition imaginable (right behind being allergic to water), Kay Underwood, 20, has cataplexy, a rare medical disorder that causes her muscles to dramatically weaken when she experiences any sort of emotion, according to the Telegraph UK. Excitement, awe, fear, surprise, laughter and embarrassment can all cause her to fall to the ground. Imagine getting dissed by your crush, your face turning read, and then collapsing onto the floor. Oh, and she's also narcoleptic.

I hope she's reading the blog right now because these comments will make her ROFL — either that, or fall asleep.

skidme says
That would be an awesome friend to have. You can test out jokes on them.
MrAwesomeMan suggests
She should marry Carrot top. Problem solved!
subiiime says
sysop073 says
"Victims are often left paralysed for several minutes, although they always retain the ability to hear what is going on around them."
Oh good, I would definitely want to be aware of what people are saying while I lay there
GVR90 says
LOL *thud*

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