Monday, August 11, 2008

Paris Hilton responds to McCain's celebrity attack ad

Note to John McCain: don't talk shit on Paris Hilton. Thanks to some sort of super powers or maybe Ritalin, Hilton manages to sound like a somewhat intellectual non-retard for almost two minutes. With a one-two punch, she kind of belittles McCain's entire ad, and improves her own image ten-fold. Of course, what she said was nothing particularly insightful, but she managed to do it while only saying the word "hot" once. Incredible!

jdsingar says
Wow, that was impressive. Sure, she was probably reading from cards but...I wasn't quite sure she could read in the first place. At the very least, it seems she took McCain's ridiculous ad fairly well.
Quick note: she didn't use cue cards. Natealus says
I tried to follow her eyes to see if she was reading and I couldn't see anything. They must have taught her the words phonetically...
headzoo replies
The did the same thing with her that they did with Mr. Ed: They put peanut butter in her mouth so she'd flap her gums, and someone else was speaking off camera.
soot has a new crush
You know, she's kind of cute when dumb shit isn't flowing out of her mouth.

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