Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Man calls 911 over incorrect sandwich

Subway JaredA man in Jacksonville, Fla. called 911 — not once but twice — reporting a sandwich emergency. Subway, the alleged sandwich terrorists, screwed up this guy's order, and he was so furious that he contacted police to complain, according to First Coast News. The second call was in regards to police not showing up in response to the first call.

When the Jacksonville po, which apparently had nothing better to do, did arrive at the Subway, the victim said he ordered two sandwiches, checked out and when he got outside, he realized they did not have "everything" he ordered. This guy fits into a unique brand of "dumb ass" when you consider, as my brother points out, that Subway prepares your food right in front of you. Makes me kind of wish he got this 911 operator instead.

qcumber98 mourns
What a waste of sandwiches!!
dkapuchino replies
The true 911 conspiracy!
BizarreNews points out
Florida has it's own TAG on Fark
/ - just sayin
chadwalters23 chastises Subway
And they call themselves "sandwich artists." Liars.
kingscup digs up one of the greatest phone calls ever
Here is an audio 9-1-1 call of someone being given the wrong hamburger in a drive-thru.

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