Saturday, August 16, 2008

'Kebert Xela' on 'Jeopardy,' like for realz

You've got to admire Jared. He's going against some guy who looks like a divorce lawyer preparing to take all of your money, and a geeky, super genius. Jared has one freakin' dollar, so he figures he might as well just go for a laugh. I say, job well done, sir.

kittydreamz86 says
He pronounced it wrong on purpose. What a cheat.
cokewyte says
he pronounced it wrong so he wouldnt go back to the 5th dimension
Bizzer10 says
dude your a legend

i cant belive you actually tried to send him back to the 5th dimension
FancyUnicorn says
Someone give him that dollar!
rebelgamer makes a good observation about the intellectual value of TV
Want to know why he only had 1$ at the final question?

...its because he spends all his time watching Family Guy!

And here's a clip from that Family Guy episode. The reason it comes from Tubearoo (WTF is Tubearoo?) is that Fox is all over this copyright infringement thing. You'd be hard pressed to find any decent Family Guy clips on the 'Tube.

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