Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More creatures created in Spore than known species

At the game publisher's E3 press conference, EA Games announced that the yet-to-be-released Will Wright life simulator Spore has already garnered 1.8 million user-created creatures. Considering there are only 1.5 million known species on earth, it's a testament to how people waste a shitload of time putting arms on the faces of computer-generated animals, while real life things go extinct.

bullioncube is concerned about the quality of imagined species
Most of them are cock-monsters
Tykin3 whoas
What if God is playing Spore and we're just his penis monsters?
SkippyDoorknob replies
You just blew my mind
lanzemurdock just screwed himself
i created a sandwich monster. Which sucks because every time i play it i'm going to get hungry.

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