Saturday, July 26, 2008

Guinea pig festival in Peru

Guinea pig festival in PeruAww! Look at the cute little guinea pigs! They're all dressed up in crowns and hats and such. And even the women are dressed up with them. This is just the most precious festival ev — Oh God. Something's wrong. Oh, what the fuck! What the fuck is this?! You heartless wenches! You cold, sick demon-spawns!

churchdog says

they dress them up like little children... and then... they eat them. WTF?

Nice name, mmmBeer

I dress my food up as Nazis so I don't feel as bad eating it.

nihilite says

i liked the 'fried chicken' costume best.

Borkz replies

But he looked so cute in his little sailor's outfit, i could just eat him up!

Flankk reenacts

Bob: Hey Fred, I was just down by the tents enjoying a cob of corn. Why are you shaved, lol.


demoneyes says

Haha! A culture that is different than mine! Let's laugh at it!

knylok has a few words for all those hippie fur-haters

You obviously don't understand.

The coat goes with the boots. I can't wear the boots without the coat.

Some people...

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