Thursday, July 17, 2008

Absurd iPhone apps

Of the 500 applications for the iPhone that were available at launch, obviously not all of them will be life-changing hits. But some of these are just plain stupid — and they cost money, too. One in particular, called Alarm Free, has a whopping two incredible functions. (To its credit, at least this silly app is a freebie.)

One, if the iPhone is falling out of your pocket, it uses the accelerometer to tell you your gadget is falling to its death — as long as the app is running. And even if the app was by chance running when your expensive phone was in free fall, what will you do with that newfound knowledge?

Two, you can use it to sound an alarm when you're getting mugged. Handy, right?

zakatov says
Oh yeah, first thing to do when you're getting mugged: whip out your iPhone...
Ryan2845 replies
My new "Yell Really Loud" technology will put this company out of business.
GeneralFailure0 predicts
By the time you hear the "your phone is falling to the ground" alarm in Alarm Free, I can only imagine it will be too late.

Not if you're skydiving, General.

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