Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Chocolate company refuses bathroom to girl with diarrhea

The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company in Huntington Beach refused to let a 5-year-old girl with a violent case of the liquid shits use their employee bathroom. When the salesmen refused, the girl sprayed doo-doo all over herself and her mother, sending them running to the nearest movie theater restroom.

The ironic parallels of a chocolate reseller refusing someone use of their bathroom when they have to bake a fudge dragon produced some great responses on Digg.

Mariasha is puntastic
That's pretty shitty of them.
insurgente highlights the financial benefits of public restrooms
I bet they tried to sell that diarrhea for profit.
keymanjim2 crafts a better headline
A customer at The Rocky Mountain Chocolate Company gets a bad case of the Hershey squirts.

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