Monday, June 23, 2008

Ancient Shipwreck Yields 2,400-year-old Salad Dressing

2,400 year old salad dressingA Digg story about a 2,400-year-old jar of salad dressing found in an ancient Greek shipwreck yielded some great responses. Scientists say oregano helped preserve the mixture.

chouch says

You mean Oregano is valuable then? I thought it was only good for making fake bags of weed.
Shh! MrTito is going to ruin their whole operation
So that's where the Hidden Valley is...
kenvsryu attempted to spark a mature, open dialogue
Greeks love tossed salads?
ichbeineinrcg says
I don't see the news here. Olive Garden has been serving millenia-old food for a while now.
ElbertF is probably a regular at the Olive Garden
That would go perfectly with my 2,400 year old salad.
dOOBiEx213 ponders the other angles of this story
An entire fucking ship wrecked... and THESE ARE THE PICTURES YOU GIVE US? As usual, Discovery, you fail.

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