Friday, June 27, 2008

5 questions no man wants to hear

It's not too often some chick's blog about relationship advice makes it to the front page of the heavily geeky, sexist, relationship-less Digg web site, but by golly those nerds have proved us wrong. The post "5 questions no man wants to hear" is blogger Divine Caroline's attempting at throwing all dignity to the wind and writing a piece demeaning women to cater to an all male demographic.

Advice like "don't ask about his past relationships," "don't be a nagging whore," "don't try to advance the relationship" and "don't ask questions" are sound suggestions in any man's mind, but not the average tips you'll see coming from the fingernailed hands of a female blogger. But right as rain, here are the tips, and below are a few questions men would universally much less like to hear than "Am I fat?" (though that one is a booby trap in and of itself).

CalmBlueOcean adds
6: Would you hold my glass eye?
chazizzle says
is it in?
Hiji says
Can you come over to check this pregnancy test?
DeskFlyer says
"Did I mention I have a boyfriend?"
Negativelon says
... "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?"
LizNovack says
"Can you throw my jock strap in the wash with yours?"
tradwollely approves our list
All of the questions above that I read are better than the ones on that crappy list.

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